Whether you live in Colorado or have visited, you know there is no shortage of beautiful sights, with scenic mountains and lakes in abundance. Your pooch loves to see (and smell) the scenery too, and a camping trip offers the perfect opportunity. A fun camping experience is a safe camping experience, so check out this infographic for tips to keep Fido happy, healthy, and safe.


What if my dog sustains an injury on our trip?

How do I check for ticks on my pet?

Heatstroke and my pup: what do I need to know?


How do I locate dog-friendly campsites?

What are the potential camping-related dangers for my dog?


What packing checklist should I follow?

What should I put in my dog’s first aid kit?

Is a collar or harness best for my dog during our camping trip?

Once you are prepared with the right information, you can start the task of packing. Don’t worry – the Colorado scenery will make it all worthwhile.


Photo credit: Pixabay